Google Play Books & Audiobooks

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If you love reading books or listening to audiobooks, then you need Google Play Books & Audiobooks in your life. With a vast library of titles from top authors and publishers, you can choose from millions of books and audiobooks in every genre, including fiction, non-fiction, romance, thrillers, and more. With features like personalized recommendations, offline reading, and cross-device syncing, you can enjoy your favorite books and audiobooks wherever you go. Download Google Play Books & Audiobooks now and discover a world of reading and listening pleasure.
4.7/5 Votes: 2,131,316
Google LLC
Mar 7, 2023
16.57 MB
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Google Play Books & Audiobooks is a comprehensive digital library that provides access to a vast collection of books and audiobooks, making it easy to read and listen to your favorite titles on-the-go.


  1. Extensive Collection: Our app offers access to millions of books and audiobooks, ensuring there’s something for everyone.
  2. User-Friendly Interface: The app is easy to navigate, allowing you to browse, search, and download titles effortlessly.
  3. Reading and Listening Options: You can choose to read or listen to books and audiobooks, making it a flexible option for different preferences.
  4. Customization: You can customize your reading experience by adjusting font size, background color, and reading mode to suit your preferences.
  5. Sync Across Devices: The app syncs your library and reading progress across devices, allowing you topick up where you left off on any device.Advantages:
    1. Convenience: With Google Play Books & Audiobooks, you can access your favorite titles from anywhere with an internet connection, making it a convenient option for avid readers and listeners.
    2. Cost-effective: Our app offers a vast collection of free titles, and many others at affordable prices, making it a cost-effective way to indulge your reading and listening habits.
    3. Eco-friendly: Digital books and audiobooks are eco-friendly, as they eliminate the need for paper and ink, making it a sustainable option for book lovers.
    4. Personalization: You can customize your reading and listening experience, making it a personalized and enjoyable experience.
    5. Availability: Our app is available on multiple platforms, including Android and iOS devices, making it accessible to a broad range of users.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

    Q: Can I read and listen to books offline?

    A: Yes, you can download books and audiobooks to read and listen to offline, making it a convenient option for travelers or those without a stable internet connection.

    Q: Can I sync my reading progress across devices?

    A: Yes, the app syncs your library and reading progress across devices, allowing you to pick up where you left off on any device.Q: Are there free titles available on Google Play Books & Audiobooks?

    A: Yes, our app offers a vast collection of free titles, including classics and public domain works.Q: Can I adjust the font size and background color of my reading experience?

    A: Yes, you can customize your reading experience by adjusting font size, background color, and reading mode to suit your preferences.

    Q: Can I purchase books and audiobooks from the app?

    A: Yes, our app offers a vast collection of titles available for purchase, including new releases and bestsellers.

    In summary, Google Play Books & Audiobooks is a comprehensive digital library that offers access to millions of books and audiobooks. With a user-friendly interface, customization options, and the ability to sync your reading progress across devices, it’s a convenient and cost-effective way to indulge your reading and listening habits. Download our app today and start exploring the world of digital books and audiobooks!

Download links

Follow the Step To Install Google Play Books & Audiobooks.

1. Choose the download link and tap.

2. Your download will start.

3. After Downloading install it.

What's new

We're pleased to announce that version 2022.7.27 of our app is now available, bringing with it several exciting updates and new features.

One of the key improvements we've made is to the navigation system, making it easier than ever to reach series pages. Whether you're looking for your favorite series or discovering new ones, our updated navigation system will help you find what you're looking for quickly and easily.

In addition to these navigation improvements, we've also added a Wishlist tab, allowing you to keep track of all the books you want to read in one convenient location. Plus, we've organized our audiobooks into series, making it even simpler to find your next listen.

We know that notifications are important, which is why we've added a notification history page. This page allows you to easily review all your past notifications, ensuring that you never miss an important update.

For those who love customization, we've introduced a Material You themed widget, which will fit seamlessly into your device's aesthetic. Plus, we've added filters to our chart and genre pages, making it easier than ever to find the perfect book for your mood.

We're thrilled to bring these new updates and features to our app, and we're confident that they'll enhance your overall experience. Thank you for choosing our app as your go-to for all things books and reading.

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